Sunday, June 14, 2015

Transparent Shadow Puppets!

This lesson was combined with the previous shadow puppet lesson. At the end of making the two puppets they got to vote on whether to do a puppet show with the dragons or with these transparent puppets and they chose the dragons. However, these puppets still turned out amazingly well and they loved being able to play with them. 

Visual Art Standards: 


Students will be able to identify the expressive qualities of symbol and story when creating a shadow puppet show for their dragons. 
Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of designing, sketching, and constructing their shadow puppet using pre-determined tools. 

Acetate Paper (Clear sheet protectors can work in a pinch) 
Hot Glue 
Bamboo Skewers 

Step 1: I had the students draw their design on a sheet of white paper.

Step 2: Once they were pleased with their drawing, they would put a piece of the acetate over the white paper and trace their design. 

Step 3: After they had their outlines done they no longer needed the sketch underneath and could set that aside. The students can then add details with the markers. I told my students that they needed to color it in completely and have no clear spots without marker. 

Step 4: Once they were completely colored they could cut them out carefully. This could be tricky because the acetate rips fairly easily. 

Step 5: Hot glue a bamboo skewer onto the back and have fun playing! Some of these required two bamboo skewers because they were slightly flimsy, but the skewers give the puppets stability. 
This lesson would possibly be a good introduction to puppets. The acetate was, skill-wise, easier to make than the dragons but they both turned out great!! 

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